Marketing at its heart is starting a conversation with someone who could be an ideal customer. Today there is no faster, easier and more powerful way than to be the featured guest expert on the podcasts they already are listening.

Podcast Guest Profits gives you the step by step system that has been proven to convert 25 times better than blogs. You’ll learn the strategy others have used to go from obscure to acclaimed. Using just a microphone, internet connection, and the information in this book you will be able to speak to millions of ideal prospects and turn them into profitable customers.


Dan Miller
Technology continues to open new doors of opportunity with massive knowledge and information. But creating a business requires more than knowledge. Fortunately, now we have a manual from an engineer to harness, apply and profit from the wonderful emerging opportunity in podcasting.
Dan Miller
New York Time's Best Selling Author "48 Days to the Work You Love"
Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Tom’s prescriptions for your podcasting future are bold and original. Electrifying insights crackle off every page of this volume filling you with inspirational visions of the destination along with the specific practicalities for reaching it. Grab this book and get to work.
Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Podcast host and New York Time's Best Selling Author of "Thou Shall Prosper"
Sam Mallikarjunan
Podcast Guest Profits has the rare combination of great vision and tactical execution. Not only does this book paint a new vision for a supposedly “old” digital medium, but Tom’s specific suggestions around growth and optimization make it a must-read.
Sam Mallikarjunan
Principal Marketing Strategist for HubSpot Co-Author of "How to Sell Better than Amazon"
Bob Burg
Podcast Guest Profits is the book I can recommend to the entrepreneur, coach, author, etc., who wants to grow their business predictably, effectively, and profitably. Tom is a genius in both knowledge and application. Fortunately, he’s also a genius when it comes to teaching others how to do the same.
Bob Burg
New York Time's Best Selling co-Author of "The Go-Giver"

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